Monday, August 30, 2010

To my cousin Tyler ~ From Leah

Leah colored this picture in school today. she wanted me to post it on my blog so her cousin Tyler could see it. It is a picture of Leah and Tyler going to Tyler's house from school. Leah loves her cousin Tyler! she said that she colored his clothes green because Tyler loves to play with frogs! I love the imagination of a four-year-old! school is full of fun and learning. Leah loves to do her school work, and she loves to play with her cousin Tyler! We love you Tyler~

1 comment:

  1. Leah,
    Mimi and PopPop are so proud of you! You did a fantastic job coloring your picture of you and Tyler. I am sure Tyler loves the picture too. You are such a sweet and thoughtful little girl. We love you!
    Hugs and kisses,
    Mimi and PopPop
